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Fire investigation experts from Taipei City engage in practical and academic exchange with Central Police University.

On May 13, 2024, the Fire Investigation Committee of Taipei City Fire Department, led by Chairman Director Mo, Huai-Zu, along with over 20 committee members and colleagues from the Fire Investigation Division, visited Central Police University for a field visit. The visit was hosted by President Yang, Yuan-Ming and attended by chairman Wu, Guan-Yuan of Fire Science Department, Professor and Dean of Police Science and Technology Wang, Sheng-Meng, and Director Pai, Chung-Yen of Forensic Science Laboratory. Director Mo expressed that fire investigation is a comprehensive science covering various fields of knowledge. Since its establishment, the Fire Investigation Committee has participated in numerous significant and high-profile cases. The purpose of this visit was to acquire and exchange relevant new knowledge. Subsequently, they toured several laboratories and a simulated courtroom in the Investigation and Forensic Science and Technology Building engaging in face-to-face discussions and exchanges of opinions with laboratory personnel.


The Fire Department stated that this visit included laboratories such as the Special Space Fire Experiment Laboratory, Electrical Identification Laboratory, Drug Laboratory, DNA Laboratory, and Trace Evidence Laboratory. In particular, the Electrical Identification Laboratory focuses not only on identifying electrical arcing but also exploring the causal factors of electrical fires. The Fire Department pointed out that they will continuously maintain communication with Central Police University laboratory, jointly enhancing the strength of evidence, assisting the industry in providing safe products, and ensuring electrical safety for the public.


In response to amendments to the Code of Criminal Procedure at the end of 2023, this visit primarily concentrated on exchanging fire investigation laboratory analyzing techniques and courtroom interrogation training strategies. The Fire Department stated that through this exchange, they aimed to absorb the latest identification technologies from academic institutions to continuously enhance fire investigation and identification capabilities. They also plan to introduce courses on courtroom interrogation skills to improve the credibility of fire investigation and strengthen the evidential basis, thereby safeguarding the rights and interests of the people.